Dockertest enables us to use Docker to create containers to run our tests against. With dockertest, we can use it to create a Docker container for our tests, which we can then connect to and run our tests against. And then remove the container afterward. This means that every time we run the tests, we get a sanitized environment that is not contaminated by the test data from previous tests.
- Prior knowledge in MongoDB, Go, and Docker.
- Docker: You can find installation instructions can be found here.
- Golang: You can find installation instructions can be found here.
Getting Started
In this tutorial, we will run how we can use dockertest to write tests for our MongoDB database.
To demonstrate how to use dockertest for testing, we will build a very barebone todo app backend. It will have a few methods that will use MongoDB to store and retrieve the todos. We will have a few methods: AddTodo
, DeleteTodo
, GetTodo
, ListTodos
and ToggleTodo
and here is the code implementation of the above methods:
package todos
import (
type Todos struct {
client *mongo.Client
func (todos *Todos) AddTodo(todo model.Todo) (model.Todo, error) {
collection := todos.client.Database("todos").Collection("todos")
result, err := collection.InsertOne(context.Background(), todo)
todo.ID = result.InsertedID.(primitive.ObjectID)
return todo, err
func (todos *Todos) DeleteTodo(id string) error {
collection := todos.client.Database("todos").Collection("todos")
objectID, err := primitive.ObjectIDFromHex(id)
if err != nil {
return err
_, err = collection.DeleteOne(context.Background(), model.Todo{
ID: objectID,
return err
func (todos *Todos) GetTodo(id string) (model.Todo, error) {
todo := model.Todo{}
collection := todos.client.Database("todos").Collection("todos")
objectID, err := primitive.ObjectIDFromHex(id)
if err != nil {
return model.Todo{}, err
err = collection.FindOne(context.Background(), bson.M{
"_id": objectID,
return todo, err
func (todos *Todos) GetTodos() ([]model.Todo, error) {
collection := todos.client.Database("todos").Collection("todos")
cursor, err := collection.Find(context.Background(), bson.M{})
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var todoList []model.Todo
if err := cursor.All(context.Background(), &todoList); err != nil {
return nil, err
return todoList, nil
func (todos *Todos) ToggleTodo(id string) error {
collection := todos.client.Database("todos").Collection("todos")
objectID, err := primitive.ObjectIDFromHex(id)
if err != nil {
return err
todo, err := todos.GetTodo(id)
if err != nil {
return err
_, err = collection.UpdateOne(context.Background(), bson.M{
"_id": objectID,
}, bson.M{
"$set": bson.M{
"isDone": !todo.IsDone,
return err
Now that we have our barebone todo app backend, let's write tests for it using dockertest. The first thing we are going to do is install dockertest by running the following command:
go get -u
Setup and Teardown using TestMain
We are going to be using TestMain
to set up our MongoDB container using dockertest for testing and remove the container after we are done running the tests.
in Go provides us with more control on how our tests are run, in our case, allowing us to use dockertest to set up a MongoDB container and connect to it and after the tests have run, remove it. This ensures that for every test we run, we have a fresh database to run tests against that is not contaminated by test data from the previous tests.
Setup MongoDB Docker Container
We are going to start by defining a database client variable to store the MongoDB connection to the test database that will be spun up. We will pass this client to the Todo
struct that we will create when running the tests.
var db *mongo.Client
func TestMain(m *testing.M) {
// setup and teardown code goes in here
Next, inside the TestMain
function, we are going to create a new Pool
. A Pool
is a dockertest struct that represents a connection to the Docker API and is used to create and remove the docker container when running tests.
pool, err := dockertest.NewPool("")
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Could not connect to docker: %s", err)
NB: Please make sure to import dockertest properly - to include the version of
as VS Code might import it.
And then, we are going to define a few environment variables that will be passed to our MongoDB containers. For the MongoDB container, we need to pass the MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_USERNAME
which are going to set the credentials for the superuser for our MongoDB Database. The environment variables are defined as a String Array, with each entry of the array being a string in the following format: KEY=VALUE
environmentVariables := []string{
Next, we need to create a docker container using the pool.Run
function which accepts the docker image to use, the tag, and the environment variables we defined above.
resource, err := pool.Run("mongo", "5.0", environmentVariables)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Could not start resource: %s", err)
And the final step for the setup is to try and connect to our MongoDB container and we will do this by creating a database client and pinging our database to ensure we can connect to our MongoDB container successfully.
if err = pool.Retry(func() error {
var err error
db, err = mongo.Connect(
fmt.Sprintf("mongodb://root:password@localhost:%s", resource.GetPort("27017/tcp")),
if err != nil {
return err
return db.Ping(context.TODO(), nil)
}); err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Could not connect to docker: %s", err)
After that, we can seed our database with test data if we have any. And then we can run our package tests by calling m.Run()
// seed data
// Run tests
exitCode := m.Run()
Once our tests are all done, we are going to kill and remove the container.
if err = pool.Purge(resource); err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Could not purge resource: %s", err)
And finally, we can call os.Exit()
passing the exit code from m.Run()
And that's it for our TestMain
, here is what the method should look like now:
var db *mongo.Client
func TestMain(m *testing.M) {
// Setup
pool, err := dockertest.NewPool("")
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Could not connect to docker: %s", err)
environmentVariables := []string{
resource, err := pool.Run("mongo", "5.0", environmentVariables)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Could not start resource: %s", err)
// exponential backoff-retry, because the application in the container might not be ready to accept connections yet
if err = pool.Retry(func() error {
var err error
db, err = mongo.Connect(
fmt.Sprintf("mongodb://root:password@localhost:%s", resource.GetPort("27017/tcp")),
if err != nil {
return err
return db.Ping(context.TODO(), nil)
}); err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Could not connect to docker: %s", err)
// seed data
// Run tests
exitCode := m.Run()
// Teardown
// When you're done, kill and remove the container
if err = pool.Purge(resource); err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Could not purge resource: %s", err)
// Exit
Next, let's write a few tests for our code:
Writing Tests Against MongoDB
We will start by writing the simplest one, the AddTodo
test. We are going to add a todo and then assert that error is nil and also check in the database to make sure that the todo exists in the database:
func TestAddTodo(t *testing.T) {
todos := Todos{
client: db,
createdAt := primitive.Timestamp{
T: uint32(time.Now().Unix()),
I: 0,
todo := model.Todo{
Todo: "test",
IsDone: false,
CreatedAt: createdAt,
UpdatedAt: createdAt,
// add todo
todo, err := todos.AddTodo(todo)
// assert error is nil
assert.Nil(t, err)
// assert todo ID is not not nil
assert.NotNil(t, todo.ID)
// fetch todo from the database
todoGet, err := todos.GetTodo(todo.ID.Hex())
// assert error is nil
assert.Nil(t, err)
// assert todo is equal to the todo returned from the database
assert.Equal(t, todoGet, todo)
For the GetTodo
test, we are going to add a new todo first and then use GetTodo
method to retrieve the todo we added and assert that they are Equal:
func TestGetTodo(t *testing.T) {
todos := Todos{
client: db,
createdAt := primitive.Timestamp{
T: uint32(time.Now().Unix()),
I: 0,
todo := model.Todo{
Todo: "Test Get Todo",
IsDone: false,
CreatedAt: createdAt,
UpdatedAt: createdAt,
todoAdd, err := todos.AddTodo(todo)
assert.Nil(t, err)
todoGet, err := todos.GetTodo(todoAdd.ID.Hex())
assert.Nil(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, todoGet.Todo, todo.Todo)
And the final test I want to focus on is the test for ToggleTodo
which marks a todo as done or vice versa based on the current status. In this one, we are going to add a todo and then toggle, retrieve it from the database and then check IsDone
is not equal to the original IsDone
func TestToggleTodo(t *testing.T) {
todos := Todos{
client: db,
createdAt := primitive.Timestamp{
T: uint32(time.Now().Unix()),
I: 0,
todo := model.Todo{
Todo: "Test Toggle Todo",
IsDone: false,
CreatedAt: createdAt,
UpdatedAt: createdAt,
todoAdd, err := todos.AddTodo(todo)
assert.Nil(t, err)
err = todos.ToggleTodo(todoAdd.ID.Hex())
assert.Nil(t, err)
todoGet, err := todos.GetTodo(todoAdd.ID.Hex())
assert.Nil(t, err)
assert.NotEqual(t, todoGet.IsDone, todo.IsDone)
The rest of the tests can be found here on GitHub.
In this article, we learned how we can use dockertest to create MongoDB containers that we can write tests against. Dockertest uses docker to create a test container during the setup process and remove the docker container after all tests have run ensuring a sanitized test Database every time.
For more information on dockertest, you can find the repository here.
Source Code
You can find the source code for the examples given in this article here.